Summer holiday fun for Nottingham’s youth

Recognising some of the pressure points facing some families during the school holidays, the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme, offers support to children in receipt of free school meals through the holiday periods in the form of physcial and mental wellbeing.

For the past 3 years, The Pythian Club has been delighted to be a delivery partner of Nottingham Forest Community Trust, who run the HAF programmes on behalf of the Nottingham City Council.

Providing multi-sports activities has been an opportunity that the Club have relished with staff out in full force delivering across 7 sites over 4 weeks of the Summer holidays.

Ashley Gorman, Head of Sport for The Pythian Club said: “To be able to provide a mix of sports including football, dodgeball and cricket amongst other sports, provides a wonderful opportunity for the attendees to try sports they perhaps haven’t tried out before. To see the new friendships that are formed by the children and young people is an added bonus.”

During term time, The Pythian Club offer free weekly sessions for children and young people.


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