Rising Sap!

Rising Sap!

Theme of the week: Tree Tapping

The sessions will run for 2 hours and will consist of a mixture of construction, planting and nature related crafts and activities for all ages.

We will also be delivering a short wellbeing session during our tea break where participants will get the opportunity to take part in an optional wellbeing exercise such as yoga, a mindfulness activity or a short craft or drawing exercise.

Sign in is at 10:00am, please arrive at 9:45am if possible as you will need to fill in a sign up & photo consent form as well as viewing and agreeing to our “rules of play”.

Please wear sensible clothing and shoes or boots that you don’t mind getting messy in. I would encourage you to bring waterproofs too as we all know what the British weather can be like! You will also need to bring a cup each for hot chocolate, teas and coffees.

For covid compliance, individual toy and craft packs will be given out to families upon arrival and participants are expected to keep 2 meters distance from one another at all times (unless in a bubble). Adults will be responsible for their children at all times.

Face masks will also be required when keeping 2 meters distance is not possible ie. when working together to build or move an item and closer contact is needed.

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Rising Sap!

Rising Sap!

Theme of the week: Tree Tapping

The sessions will run for 2 hours and will consist of a mixture of construction, planting and nature related crafts and activities for all ages.

We will also be delivering a short wellbeing session during our tea break where participants will get the opportunity to take part in an optional wellbeing exercise such as yoga, a mindfulness activity or a short craft or drawing exercise.

Sign in is at 10:00am, please arrive at 9:45am if possible as you will need to fill in a sign up & photo consent form as well as viewing and agreeing to our “rules of play”.

Please wear sensible clothing and shoes or boots that you don’t mind getting messy in. I would encourage you to bring waterproofs too as we all know what the British weather can be like! You will also need to bring a cup each for hot chocolate, teas and coffees.

For covid compliance, individual toy and craft packs will be given out to families upon arrival and participants are expected to keep 2 meters distance from one another at all times (unless in a bubble). Adults will be responsible for their children at all times.

Face masks will also be required when keeping 2 meters distance is not possible ie. when working together to build or move an item and closer contact is needed.

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